Science communication and public engagement
Science communication and public engagement are important aspects of any successful researchers portfolio and Dr Paxton is very keen to introduce her research to the public. She is a previous winner in the Health Zone of "I'm a Scientist.....get me out of here!" ( competition where she was given a £500 grant to use to communicate science to the wider community.
View the winners blog report here

Her winnings were dedicated to providing a collection of anatomy teaching materials for school children - "Dr Paxton's Brilliant Body Box!" . With the Body Box, Dr Paxton hopes to build relationships with local schools and provide free school visits to help inspire the next generation of anatomists and tissue engineers! To discuss a school visit in the Edinburgh area, please contact Dr Paxton giving details of the school, age group and subject area required.
Dr Paxton's STEMNET profile can be found here

Dr Paxton won the "I'm a Scientist...get me out of here" Enquiry zone in March 2018, which was based on developing a citizen science project in conjunction with primary schools. Her winning project design was based on finding out what primary school children know about the human body and also, find out what ways of teaching anatomy to children works best.
We are currently looking for more schools to participate in the study so please get in touch if you are interested in finding out more.

Together with a primary school teacher at a local primary school, Dr Paxton was awarded a Partnership Grant from the Royal Society to bring the science of Tissue Engineering to primary schools. The project, Building Body Parts, launches in February 2019. To keep up to date with our progress, visit the Building body Parts Website at